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1 puppie born 16.09.2016

male 1 red (Ushiki )

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6 puppies born 16.04.2014

puppies: male           1 red         ( TAKAHIRO )

                                  1 brindel ( TAMASHI-TORA )

             female: :     2 red         ( TOSHI,TAMIKA )

                                 2 brindel ( TENSHI, TEIKO )


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 beautiful Easter wish fam.Juza

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 17.O2.2014 Puppie be in april 2014

Repeated stud service by Bijin Tora Go of Ikenohatade:
mother : Bishoujo Atemi Ryu

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Bishoujo Atemi Ryu
              Bijin Tora of Ikenohatade

 If you´re interested in, do not hesitate to contact us and reserve your puppy.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year wish fam.Juza



puppies born :   14.02.2013

puppies: male :   4 red        ( SEJIN, SHIRÚ,SHIDO,SAIKIN)

               female: 1 red        ( SHIKI)

                            1 brindel  ( SEIKÓ)


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Shirú           Saikin          Seijin  Shiki                         Shidó and Seikó               Bishi and 6 puppies


12.12.2012   Puppie be in february 2012

Repeated stud service by Bijin Tora Go of Ikenohatade
mother : Bishoujo Atemi Ryu 

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                           Bishoujo Atemi Ryu
                                Bijin Tora of Ikenohatade


If you´re interested in, do not hesitate to contact us and reserve your puppy.

A few photo´s  from the same  last intercourse

P-Vrh s Terezkou P-Ischiro R Vrh almaju  Ryuu a Terí  Ryu-Yumi v listí
P litter 2010 with Terezia                          P-Ischiro                                     R litter 2011                         Ryuu and Terí                           Ryu-Yumi